Tabular Enargite on Quartz

Tabular Enargite on Quartz from Sweet Home Mine, Mount Bross, Alma District, Park Co., Colorado


Robert Lavinsky


Although the Sweet Home mine is most famous for it's Rhodochrosite specimens, there are several good sulfide species from this prolific locality that do not get enough attention. This piece is one of the best Enargites from the Sweet Home. A few sharp, striated, isolated, metallic grey-black, tabular crystals measuring up to 1.5 cm sit atop a matrix of crystallized grey-white Quartz with associated bright metallic pyritohedral Pyrite crystals. The specimen is from the well known Colorado collection of Richard A. Kosnar, and is accompanied by a Colorado School of Mines label. The specimen is 40-50 years old.


Sweet Home Mine, Mount Bross, Alma District, Park Co., Colorado


5.5 x 5.5 x 2.0 cm.
