Large Pearceite Crystal

Large Pearceite Crystal from Guanajuato, Mexico


Robert Lavinsky


At 4.5 cm long, this is considered to be by many be the finest known example of the rare species Pearceite from Mexico, and perhaps in the world (per Terry Wallace, Wendell Wilson, and others familiar with the collection, as printed in the Romero Book). It is a sharp, lustrous specimen, with no damage, that is thought to have been recovered prior to the 1940's. This specimen from the Dr Miguel Romero collection was on loan exhibition to the University of Arizona Museum for over a decade, until Rob Lavinsky's purchase of this collection in 2008. It was on display in special cases at the museum, and has since been featured in the book "The Miguel Romero Collection of Mexico Minerals", which was sponsored by Lavinsky as a special supplement book (published by the Mineralogical Record in December of 2008).


Guanajuato, Mexico


4.5 x 3.6 x 2.2 cm.
