The Gemstone Labradorite
Labradorite is an important feldspar gemstone. It often displays a beautiful iridescent play of colors, which can move as the stone is rotated. Labradorite gemstones usually have a dark base color with metallic-looking color plays of blue, green, yellow, and red. This iridescent effect is commonly known as labradorescence, and is named after this stone. It is caused by internal fractures that reflect light back and forth, dispersing it into different colors.
Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Brown, Purple, Gray, Multicolored
Chemical Formula
All About
Labradorite is named after the Canadian province of Labrador, the classic locality of this gemstone. Labradorite is often heavily
flawed with internal dark lines and streaks; stones that are clean of flaws are rare. Some stones have a greater
labradorescence effect then others, and a greater play of color increases the value of the Labradorite. A new reddish gemstone popularly called "
Andesine" has recently sprung up on the gemstone market; this gemstone is formed by synthetically
diffusing certain Labradorite with copper. Care should be handled
with Labradorite, as it is sensitive to pressure and can easily crack or
Labradorite is used as
cabochons and beads, mainly for necklaces and bracelets, but is also faceted for rings and cut into ornamental objects and spheres.
Treatments & Enhancements
Labradorite gemstones are natural and not treated or enhanced. A new gemstone form given the term
Andesine is laboratory-produced by subjecting Labradorite to
diffusion treatment.
Labradorite Sources
The main sources of Labradorite are Canada (Labrador and Newfoundland), Finland, Ukraine, Madagascar, and Australia.
Similar Gemstones
The color effect of Labardorite distinguishes it from all other gemstones.
Labradorite in the Rough Photos