The best known examples of Jeremejevite are from the Erongo Region, Namibia, where beautiful, gemmy blue
prismatic crystals up to 5 cm have been found. The two most important localities in Erongo are the Ameib Farm 60, Usakos, Karibib District; and the beach at Mile 72, Swakopmund District.
A relatively new find of Jeremejevite, in large prismatic yellow and golden brown crystals, is the Pantahole Mine, Loi-sau mountain, Mogok, Myanmar (Burma). The
type locality of Jeremjevite, which produced crystals resembling Aquamarine, is Mount Soktuj, Adun-Chilon Mountains, Nerchinsk, Russia. Micro crystal with interesting habits come from the volcanic areas of the Eifel Mountains, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, with clustered crystal groups from the Emmelberg Quarry, Üdersdorf; and
radiating micro blue crystals and balls from the Wannenköpfe Quarry, Ochtendung.